human resources to tackle environmental issues
In cooperation with universities and other various institutions, we conduct joint research on Satoyama and provide programs to develop human resources who will play an active role in the environmental field.
Collaboration with Universities


In order to create new possibilities and values of Satoyama, we hold the forum together with the universities that we collaborate and conduct joint research with - Waseda University, the University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, Kyoto University, and Chiba University. The forum is aimed to study the ideal balance between people and nature, discover new possibilities of Satoyama, and share the knowledge and results of our collaboration work.

Japanese Biosphere Reserves

Geoparks Japan

We joined forces with the Japanese Geoparks Network in 2022 to contribute to the coexistence of people and natural capital (geological heritage) and the development of the communities where the Geoparks are located, by utilizing their respective human and material resources to help create a sustainable society.

Global Youth MIDORI Platform (GYM)
Carbon stock survey

Donation of educational Materials
Educational events
Earth Day Tokyo

In addition to introducing the Foundation's activities to visitors, we also offer workshops run by our grantee organizations.
World Environment Day

In line with the Environment Month every June and World Environment Day on June 5, we introduce our activities through exhibits and workshops.
Children's Forest Creation Forum

We participate in an event to build interest in passing on the wealth of greenery to the next generation prior to the National Tree-Planting Festival.
Training programs
Chiba Entrepreneurship

We participated in "the Seedlings of Chiba Entrepreneurship Education Consortium" in 2021 to develop human resources who will lead future industries. In 2023, with Chiba City Zoological Park, we ran an environmental education program for local students to understand endangered species and to foster future entrepreneurs who will protect the global environment.
Endowed course at Meio University

We offered the course to foster environmental leaders through field practicums in northern Okinawa and Iriomote Island registered as World Natural Heritage sites in July 2021.
Other activities
Future Earth

Future Earth is an international research platform for global environmental research and sustainability science aimed at shifting to a sustainable society. We collaborated with Future Earth on AEON-Future Earth Forum for five years from 2017, and the Future Earth Dialogue Project in 2023.
World Natural Heritage

We are engaged in activities to preserve the natural environment at areas registered as World Natural Heritage sites. In July 2023 we started collaboration works in Amami Oshima and Tokunoshima.

We create quiz-based educational videos on environmental issues.