Donation of Solar Power Systems
Since 2009, AEON Environmental Foundation has been donating solar power systems to elementary and junior high schools inside and outside Japan with the aim of promoting and spreading the use of renewable energy and supporting environmental education.

2021 Donations (Japan)
Recipient Schools:
・Kouchi City Jousai Junior High School, Kouchi Prefecture

2019 Donations (Hong Kong SAR)
In 2019, we donated solar power systems to three shcools (two elementary schools, and one junior high school) in Hong-Kong. The ceremony of presentation was held on September, 12, at AEON STYLE Kornhill.
Recipient Schools:
・TWGHs Yiu Dak Chi Memorial Primary School
・Yaumati Catholic Primary School
・T.W.G.Hs Chang Ming Thien College
2018 Donations (Hong Kong SAR)
Recipient Schools:
・Shanghai Alumni Primary School
・TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College
・Lui Yun Choy Memorial College