UNESCO Biosphere Reserves’ First Corporate Partnership in Japan
Activities in 2017
Activity(1) Raising awareness about the value and knowledge of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves
We carry out various initiatives introducing UNESCO Biosphere Reserves with the hope of raising awareness about these preserves among more people.
Awards ceremony for the 5th Nihon Awards for Biodiversity (United Nations University)
September 26, 2017
Asahi World Forum (Imperial Hotel)
October 2-3, 2017
2nd AEON Future Earth Forum
(Yasuda Auditorium at The University of Tokyo) January 20, 2018
Activity(2) Aya Town AEON Forest Program
Aya Town and AEON Environmental Foundation have planted trees for three years since 2013 at the site of a town-owned forest that was logged to help rebuild a local junior high school. With the recent conclusion of the collaboration agreement, we have launched new reforestation activities at the Aya Town AEON Forest located in the middle of the Aya Biosphere Reserve with the goal of co-existence between nature and people.
Scene from November 2014
Scene from May 2017