Geoparks Japan
We joined forces with the Japanese Geoparks Network in 2022 to contribute to the coexistence of people and natural capital (geological heritage) and the development of the communities where the Geoparks are located, by utilizing their respective human and material resources to help create a sustainable society.
Cooperation Agreement Items
1. Conservation of the natural environment, including geological heritage
2. Environmental and disaster prevention education using Geoparks
3. Spreading awareness of the values and knowledge of Geoparks
4. Creation of a sustainable society where people and nature coexist in harmony through community cooperation
What is a Geopark?
It is a place where we can learn about the Earth's past through its geology and landforms, and work toward its future. It is an area where geological heritage and landscapes with geoscientific significance are brought together and managed according to a holistic approach that includes all aspects of conservation, education, and sustainable development.